Thursday, March 25, 2010

This week we took a moment to BREATHE....

Week Three

This week we were fortunate to have Jennifer Taylor, Executive Director of the Wellness Foundation of East Hampton, come and speak to us about the importance of reading food labels. She spoke to us about WHOLE foods and what they are: fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains. We learned about the "bad for you" fats and oils such as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. The most shocking part was the exercise she prepared for us. We had to tally the ingredients in many popular "healthy foods."  To our amazement we learned that these so-called healthy products (even the ones that say Healthy on the box) are made mostly from CHEMICALS!!!! It was a big eye-opener. In fact Katie responded with, "WOW, that's a lot of chemicals!" Thank you Jennifer for bringing this to our attention!

After school we traveled to lululemon athletica,  in East Hampton, NY where Heather D'Agostino, assisted by Marissa McNaughton, led us through a partner yoga class. Many of us have had some experience with Yoga before but only breifly.  It brought us a bit out of our comfornt zone but we really enjoyed it. It is not easy to be silent and still. Heather taught us to focus on our breathing: notice the inhale and the exhale. She said that it is that brief moment between our inhale and exhale where we will find a quiet mind. 

We started the class with brief individual asanas, sanskrit for poses. Then we moved to partner poses during which we supported our partner and helped them get deeper into their pose and practice! We learned it was important for us to trust in our own stregnth and ability as well as our partners. It was a very good exercise in "letting go" and being present in that very moment.

We finished class with three OM chants. Heather explained that OM in is the sanskrit syllobol for the underlying sound or vibration of everything in the universe. After chanting a few of us recognized the sound was similar to the sound of exhaling beneath the water during our swim workouts......OOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Thank you Jennifer Taylor, Heather D'Agostino and Marissa McNaughton for helping us with our discoveries this week!!!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We Beached it Today!!!!

Week Two

Today our in-school workshop was all about DREAMING and DREAMING BIG!!!! We discussed how visualizing what we want for ourselves helps to make that dream come true.

Theresa shared her Dream Boards with us and showed us goals she had in the past and pointed out which ones have already happened for her. Alyson shared her journal and how she has written down goals and affirmations for herself to live up to. Abby even shared a dream board she has made to illustrate her love and dream of being a fashionista!

Then we were each given our own DREAM JOURNALS to start where we can write, illustrate and collage visuals of our own dreams and goals.

We will continue to add to our Dream Journals throughout this Journey to capture and remember how far we have come and how far we will go!


Today was a beautiful day. The temperature was in the 60's. So.............We went to the beach!!! We walked the loop around Maidstone Park in Springs (.8 mile). This is the route we will be running when we do the Youth Triathlon in July! We were joined by our friend Lourel from LuLuLemon in East Hampton.

Of course we couldn't go to the beach and walk on the road the whole time.....So we went down to the water to see where the swim would be held. The water was calm and the sun was casting our shadows on the sand. We felt inspired to write in the sand and so we each found a spot and wrote a word or phrase in the sand that described us or that we were feeling at that moment:

"I Am"


What a better way to spend an afternoon?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today the i-tri Journey Officially Begins!

Today the i-tri Journey Officially Begins- the baseline evaluations are all done and we hit the ground running... or at least spinning....

In school we discussed self esteem - we shared our own stories of how our self esteem has been impacted by the actions or words of others...
and brainstormed ways in which we can build our self esteem regardless of the words or actions of others.

After school we made the trip to B East Spin Studio in Amagansett, NY.  Owner Romaine Gordon led us through an amazing ride- up hills and down and cheered us as we raced to the imaginary FINISH LINE!!!!

Our favorite parts of the class were...
"the music- going fast- making the bike go side to side and the END when you feel the BURN!"

                        "I can do anything..."  Maritza

THANK YOU B East - for making our first experience so FANTASTIC!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

i- tri HERE WE GO!!!

The journey has begun!!!

The i-tri girls have completed their physicals and fitness evalutions and are ready to GO!

Today they tri-ed real hard as they went through the various fitness tests- we can't wait to compare todays results with their results when we do the same tests in 12 weeks!