Spring has sprung ... it is a time for renewal and growth...
Today's theme encompassed this very well. We arrived to our workshop to find cards of encouragement made out to each and every one of us. These cards were mailed to us by Susie Roden, Community Outreach Director of the Ellen Hermanson Breast Center. She organized a Hallmark card drive from our followers in the breast cancer community. Many in this community have been following our journey and decided to send us cards of support! Thank you to all of you who are supporting us! It could not have come on a more perfect day. Just as we were learning about staying positive through our struggles. You are an inspiration to all of us! We are so grateful for your support and encouragement. We hope you join us on our race day to cheer us on from the sidelines!!!! Hey you never know...maybe we will have inspired you to TRI as well!!!
During our workshop we learned about AFFIRMATIONS. We learned about the difference between negative and positive affirmations. Alyson and Theresa surprised us with a shocking role-play skit in which Alyson was the voice in Theresa's head - picking herself (Theresa) apart and making negative comments about Theresa's appearance, weight, failures etc...We discussed how we ALL do this to ourselves but would never let our friends speak to us the way we all speak or think about ourselves.
We learned that these negative thoughts are NEGATIVE AFFIRMATIONS! (powerful statements - that AFFIRM how you feel) Each negative thought only leads to negative beliefs and experiences..."its like a magnet" Katie realized during the discussion. Alana asked "isnt that a waste of time?"
Yes! Negative thoughts are only a waste of time!
Then we thought of times when we made negative affirmations and found ways to turn them into powerful POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. We made affirmation cards to hang up at home where we will see them and think and say them everyday! I AM BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

Continuing with our growth theme of the day we headed to The Springs Community Seedlings Project located at OUR school!!! Karen McFarland, from the Seedlings Project gave us our own planting bed in the greenhouse. We planted seeds for lettuces, kale, peppers, and cucumbers. We will tend to the plot and then harvest when the plants are ready.

It will be great to experience the entire GROWTH process from planting, caring for and tending to the plants and then harvesting them to eat! Can we say picnic?
Later in the afternoon we visited the Mandala Yoga Studio in Amagansett, NY. Owner, Jolie Parcher, led our amazing experience. First we started with some simple breathing and centering exercises. She guided us through some chanting. For many of us this was our favorite part! Then Jolie led us through various poses. We learned that anytime we are feeling anxious or scared, we just have to switch our attention to our FEET! Our feet keep us grounded and connected to the earth. For many of us this class taught us how to refrain from talking for a period of time and how we may feel the urge to talk but we chose not to talk and do the class in silance. Olivia said she learned "she could be quiet for a long time and block out noises." It took us a while to be able to be completely silent, but in the end Katie felt "happy, calm and amazing!" We finished the class in the Savasana pose. Savasana is lying on your back on your mat with your palms face up. We were silent for about five minutes. It was so relaxing that Karla actually fell asleep for a few.
Overall we learned how we have the POWER to CHOOSE ! The power to choose Positive over negative thoughts; the power to choose silence over making noise; the power to listen simply listen and feel what our bodies are telling us! We have the power to change our own lives!
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