In March 15 new girls joined the i-tri alumni girls and started on a journey that would lead them to the finish line of a youth distance triathlon. Along the way- the girls forged strong bonds, opened their minds and hearts to new ways of thinking and seeing the world and tested the limits of their courage and strength. Yesterday all who witnessed this AMAZING group of young women- in their team uniforms- bravely entering the water of Gardners Bay and swimming the daunting distance of 300 yards, biking 7 miles and running 1.5 miles, were moved and inspired by their accomplishment! Yesterday these girls proved to themselves, their friends and families that they could do ANYTHING that they put their minds and hearts into! Even though i-tri is about competing in a triathlon- the true benefits go way further than one race-along the way- they have become confident, self assured young women who can not wait to mentor the next group of i-tri girls!
Abby Roden i-tri Alumni crossing the finish line with teammate Camilla Tucci- tying for 1st place out of the i-tri girls! A true example of i-tri spirit and camaraderie! |
The i-tri program was made possible by grants from:
as well as donations & inkind support from local businesses such as:
The East Hampton RECenter YMCA
East Hampton Rotary Club
Montauk Bike Shop
Paddle Diva
i-tri is so grateful for all of this support!
This is amazing! I was looking around the web for a running group format to start with some girls on my island and stumbled across this site. What a great idea and a great program! Fantastic work, ladies!