Saturday, March 6, 2010

i- tri HERE WE GO!!!

The journey has begun!!!

The i-tri girls have completed their physicals and fitness evalutions and are ready to GO!

Today they tri-ed real hard as they went through the various fitness tests- we can't wait to compare todays results with their results when we do the same tests in 12 weeks!


  1. Good job girls! I am so impressed with each of you, how much you have to each task and how much fun you had!
    I look forward to seeing you all get stronger, fitter and ready to TRI anything!!

  2. Go Girls! You are so amazing and will have so much fun on this journey. I can't wait to take you out on the water for a Stand Up Paddle Board lesson, you're going to do so well and love it! keep up the good work, don't ever get discouraged, and always look ahead. Gina Bradley, aka: Paddle Diva.

  3. Congratulations!! I am looking forward to meeting all of you and watch you grow through this incredible workshop you are participating in. It is a fun process so just enjoy it. Coach, Sharon

  4. Hello Ladies - Congratulations on being chosen for this magnificent program and also on your successful start. I enjoyed looking through the pictures and I hope that you liked your first spin class. I commend you all for this undertaking and I know that you are all going to learn a great deal about yourselves through this process. I look forward to more updates and to eventually meeting each of you. GOOD WORK! Dr. Terri Bowland

  5. Hello Girls....I just heard about this amazing journey you all have just started. Remember "A journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step!" You guys rock!!!!

    I will be watching you....does anyone want to try surfing this summer....have your coach speak with Johnny and Meg if you do and we will make it happen....Keep on Truckin! Meg

  6. What a great week girls! I am looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you and enjoying some time on the water when you learn how to Stand Up Paddle! Keep up the great work, you are awesome! In these pictures you look so beautiful and so happy! Yeah!!! Gina Bradley, Paddle Diva

  7. WAY TO GO!!! I have never been so amazed by such a young group of girls (and a couple amazing women)! I see nothing but success in your future. Remember, success isn't coming in first, it's finishing what you started! BE STRONG AND TRI HARD!!
