Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finding the TRUTH....

Week 5

This week we learned about SUGAR content in products we are all so used to consuming. Ms. Jennifer Taylor, from the Wellness Foundation, taught us all about sugar.  We discussed how sugar gives our body a high, we have tons of energy, but then we crash and become really tired. The only way, she taught us, to get that high again was to eat more sugar. Our body begins to crave it. Then she layed out products many of us have eaten and may even love. She showed us each product and held up the amount of sugar (using sugar packets) in each product. There were products we thought were good for us but it turns out they are loaded with sugar. One of the most shocking discoveries that day was about Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Ms. Taylor told us about a man who works for Pepsi but will not allow his own children to drink it. This man uses the product to CLEAN HIS GOLF CLUBS!!! Alyson mentioned she has used coke to clean her toilet! WHY are we putting this stuff into our bodies & WHAT is it doing to us?

Then she taught us how to make healthy sorbet using fruit juice and frozen fruit. It was soooo YUMMY! She also told us how to make our own vitamin water by simply adding fruit to water and allowing it to sit overnight!

GREENHOUSE Update: Our Plot is sprouting!!!!

After school we went into town to the Kamadeva Yoga Studio. Owner Jessical Bellafato generously allowed us to use her studio for our Pilates  Mat class. Melissa Roach, of Pilates by Melissa (, led our class. She is a very energetic instructor and we were glad we did not have to stay silent the whole time!!! Many of the exercises forced us to use our core muscles to maintain our balance. We learned Pilates was an exercise for both our mind and body.  It combines stretching, stregnthening and posture exercises.
It tones, and stregthens through graceful movements of the body. Like Yoga, Pilates forces our attention inward to our body, our breath and the movements we are making. It also helps improve flexibility!  
We did exercises with our legs, lifting and circling them. We did some rolling exercises that stretched and massaged our back. Overall it was a great class!

Saturday was supposed to be our first track workout. Sadly we got rained out. So we went to the Y to continue with our swim workouts/lessons. We are all really starting to get the hang of it. Our strokes are looking better each day. After our lesson we enjoyed some REAL vitamin water, Alyson made strawberry pinapple and cucumber waters. They tasted so good!

Some Exciting News To Share!!!

We recently received a very generous donation from a FAN in Ohio. With this donation and support from Gubbins Running Ahead in East Hampon, we were able to outfit the girls with with proper new running shoes. Thank you for all of your support!!!

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